weblint Errors
Error Name Explanation
html-outer outer tags should be <HTML> .. </HTML>
no-head missing <HEAD>
head-element heading-only tag (TITLE, NEXTID, LINK, BASE, META) found outside of heading
no-body missing <BODY>
must-follow required tag does not immediately follow another
unclosed-element unclosed elements (e.g., <H1> ... )
netscape-markup Netscape-specific tag
empty-container empty container element
mis-match mis-matched tag (e.g., <H1> ... </H2>)
heading-order order of headings (e.g., <H3> following <H1>)
netscape-attribute Netscape-specific attribute
unknown-element unknown tag
body-no-head <BODY> but no <HEAD>
unknown-attribute unknown attribute
no-title missing <TITLE>
element-overlap overlapped elements
required-context failed context check (where a tag must appear within a certain element)
nested-element illegally nested element
odd-quotes odd number of quotes in tag (unclosed quotes)
non-head-element tag other than a valid heading tag (ISINDEX, TITLE, NEXTID, LINK, BASE, META, RANGE, STYLE) found in heading
once-only catches elements which should only appear once
unexpected-open unexpected < (potentially unclosed element)
closing-attribute closing tag should not have any attributes specified
require-head expects to see a TITLE in the HEAD element
illegal-closing element is not a container
repeated-attribute repeated attribute
expected-attribute missing expected attribute
unclosed-comment unclosed comment
obsolete obsolete element
markup-in-comment markup embedded in comments (can confuse some browsers)
required-attribute missing required attribute
leading-whitespace should not have whitespace between < and tag
attribute-delimiter use of ' for attribute value delimiter is not supported by all browsers
directory-index directory does not have an index file
literal-metacharacter use of a literal metacharacters instead of an &-symbol