Current Post-Docs
Current Graduate Students
Ph.D. Alumni
- Jeanna Neefe Matthews, Improving File System Performance with Adaptive Methods [1999],
Clarkson University (main advisor: Thomas Anderson)
- Marcel Kornacker, Access Methods for Next-Generation Database Systems [2000],
Cohera, Google, Cloudera
- Vijayshankar Raman,
Interactive Query Processing [2001],
IBM Almaden, Google
- Megan
Boolean Bounding Predicates for Spatial Access Methods [2003],
Cal State Stanislaus
- Amol Deshpande,
Handling Estimation Errors in Database Query Processing [2004],
U. Maryland, Wirewheel (founder)
- Sam Madden,
The Design and Evaluation of a Query Processing Architecture for Sensor Networks [2004], MIT, Cambridge Mobile Telematics (founder) (co-advised with Mike Franklin)
- Mehul Shah,
Flux: A Mechanism for Building Robust, Scalable Dataflows [2004],
HP Labs, Amiato (founder), AWS, Google
- Boon Thau Loo,
The Design and Implementation of Declarative Networks [2006], U. Pennsylvania (co-advised with Ion Stoica)
- Fred Reiss,
Data Triage [2007], IBM Almaden
- Ryan Huebsch,
PIER: Internet Scale P2P Query Processing with Distributed Hash Tables [2008],
Rinera, Conviva, Playnomics, Google (co-advised with Ion Stoica)
- David Chiyuan Chu,
Building and Optimizing Declarative Networked Systems [2009].
Microsoft Research, Google
- Alexandra Meliou,
Querying Uncertain Data in Resource Constrained Settings [2009].
U. Massachusetts, Amherst (co-advised with Carlos Guestrin)
- Tyson Condie,
Declarative Systems> [2011]. Yahoo! Research, UCLA, Microsoft
- Daisy Zhe Wang. Extracting and Querying Probabilistic Information in BayesStore [2011]. U. Florida (co-advised with Mike Franklin and Minos Garofalakis)
- Kuang Chen. Data-driven Techniques for Improving Data Collection in Low-resource Environments [2011]. Captricity (founder), Antara Health (founder) (co-advised w/Tapan Parikh)
- Azza Abouzied (Yale, co-advised with Avi Silberschatz). NYU-Abu Dhabi [2013]
- Sean Kandel (Stanford, co-advised with Jeff Heer). Trifacta (founder) [2013]
- Neil Conway. Language Support for Loosely Consistent Distributed Programming [2014]. Mesosphere, (founder).
- Peter Alvaro. Data-centric Programming for Distributed Systems [2015]. UC Santa Cruz
- Peter Bailis. Coordination Avoidance in Distributed Databases [2015]. Stanford, (founder). (co-advised with Ali Ghodsi and Ion Stoica)
- Vikram Sreekanti. The Design of Stateful Serverless Infastructure [2020]. Aqueduct (founder)
- Chenggang Wu. The Design of Any-scale Serverless Infrastructure with Rich Consistency Guarantees [2020]. Aqueduct (founder)
- Yifan Wu. Interaction History for Building Human-Data Interfaces [2021]. Startup (founder)
- Michael Whittaker. Compartmentalizing Consensus [2021]. Google
- Johann Schleier-Smith. Understanding and Exploring Serverless Cloud Computing [2022]. Startup (founder)
Post-Doc Alumni
M.S. Alumni
- Ron Avnur, Eddies: Continuously Adaptive Query Processing [2000], Cohera, MarkLogic, BloomReach, Mongo
- Mohan Lakhamraju [2000], A Storage Manager for Telegraph, Tiger Global Management, Great Learning
- Owen Cooper, TelegraphCQ: From Streaming Database to Information Crawler [2005], AmberPoint
- Varun Kacholia, Maelstrom: Churn as Shelter [2005], Google
- Ashima Atul,
Compact Implementation of Distributed Inference Algorithms for Network Monitoring [2008], Microsoft
- Larry Xu, Supporting Asynchronous Interactive Visualization for Exploratory Data Analysis [2017], Dropbox
- Libo Chen, A Hybrid Design of Transactional and Cache Layer for TSFS [2020], Oracle
- Eric Liu, Low-Overhead
Materialization with Flor [2020],
- Saurav Chhatrapathi, Towards Achieving Strong Consistency in Serverless Computing [2021], Aqueduct
- Anusha Dandamudi, Fast Low Overhead Logging Extending Time [2021], Roblox
Last modified: $Date: 2022/08/16 02:08:36 $
by Joe Hellerstein