 Basic Info
 Lecture Notes
 Project Ideas

You are encouraged to design your own project. To get you thinking, here are some ideas we had; not surprisingly, they tend to focus on projects we are already working on, including our joint project, P2. However, you are by no means required to work on things we're interested in!

This list is a work in progress; feel free to talk with Joe or Mothy for advice or further suggestions.

P2 Engine Architecture

  • Parallel dataflow execution using lightweight threads. P2 is a system for rapidly implementing and instantiating overlay networks. Network properties are specified declaratively as distributed continuous queries over network state, which are then compiled into a graph of software dataflow elements which pass tuples between themselves on each node, and send and receive tuples over the network. P2 is currently implemented using a single-threaded event-driven select loop to implement asynchronous I/O. Some consequences of this are that P2 cannot take advantage of multiple processors, and it is cumbersome to implement long-running I/O operations (such as disk access or invoking a separate database process) in the middle of executing a P2 rule. This project investigates the issues in using the Cappricio lightweight threads package as a better basis of the P2 runtime. Cappricio is attractive because supports very large numbers of coroutine-like threads, with lightweight synchronization primitives. However, it also presents challenges, for example: efficiently scheduling P2's dataflow graph based on ordering contraints imposed by language semantics, and resource control to ensure that long-running CPU-intensive dataflow invocations do not starve or hold up the rest of the system. This project assumes fairly strong C++/STL skills and a working knowledge of asynchronous I/O programming on Unix.
  • Coordination extensions to P2. In the P2 declarative overlay system, actions (insertion in a table, sending a message, etc.) occur as a result of single "events" (arrival of a message, timers, etc.). While sufficient to implement overlay networks remarkably concisely, this "single event => action" model does make it somewhat cumbersome to express certain kinds of short-term "stateful" behavior, such as "perform action X when events Y and Z are seen within 3 seconds of each other", etc. This project is about combining P2's powerful datalog evaluation with a more sophisticated event coordination facility, and evaluating what the payoff is in terms of system complexity, simplicity of expression, and runtime efficiency, as compared with implementing such stateful constructs in P2's existing query languages. The idea is to combine some of facilities of modern publish-subscribe systems with distributed relational query processing.
  • Parallel Dataflow with Overlays. Partitioned-parallel dataflow execution is a good way to scale up cluster-based data processing. It has been used successfully in databases since the 1980's (see the DeWitt/Gray paper on "Parallel Database Systems" in the red book, the Graefe paper to be read on 11/3, as well as the work on FLuX [2]). Recently this idea has proven very important in web search engines; Google calls it MapReduce, and it underlies much of their batch processing. Traditionally, parallel dataflow assumes a very reliable set of "fate-shared" machines. As clusters scale out, they are beginning to look more and more like distributed systems. Investigate the use of overlay technologies in a high-performance parallel dataflow environment for clusters.


  • Declarative Protocol Implementation. P2 was design as a system for constructing overlay networks; however, one can certainly imagine using it to implement the core functionality of Internet routing. Consider a declarative implementation of Internet protocols like BGP, or even TCP/IP. Can these be made efficient in P2? Does the declarative perspective help to prove properties about correctness? Does the flexibility of the language and the dataflow system enable new optimizations to be defined and exploited? Some related work here includes Click, XORP, and logics for routing.
  • Ephemeral, Customized Overlay Networks. P2 allows overlay networks to be concisely specified, and constructed on the fly. This raises the possibility of customized, "ephemeral" overlays that are set up for a specific task (e.g. disseminating a command with a randomized gossip algorithm, constructing a multicast/aggregation tree with controlled fanout/in, producing a random-neighbor DHT for secure routing, etc.) This project would investigate the feasibility and motivation for such "ECO" networks: how quickly can overlays be brought up and torn down, and can you demonstrate the benefit of a specific customized overlay for a particular task?

Internet-Scale Monitoring/Querying

All of the following projects could use P2 or PIER system as an underlying platform. Talk with Joe for more information.
  • Distributed Queries in P2. The PIER system implemented distributed relational queries over Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs). P2 offers the opportunity to revisit the PIER design, and consider both (a) implementing distributed relational operators (join, aggregation, etc.) without a DHT, or (b) opening up the traditional DHT interface to allow particular relational operators to perform more efficiently/reliably.
  • Pronghorn: A new generation of P2P Filesharing. Projects like PIER and P2 promise p2p-scale querying with the full power of a language like SQL. Unfortunately, the queryable data in p2p filesharing today is impoverished: just short filenames and ID3 tags. Microsoft's WinFS filesystem (in the upcoming Windows "Longhorn"/"Vista") promises to change all that by putting a full relational database in for filesystem metadata. What P2P filesharing facilities could be enabled by coupling these two technologies? Get a jump on the trend early, and see what technical challenges arise!
  • Distributed Aggregate Triggers. The challenge here is to track a distributed property of a distributed system. For example, given a p2p application running on n sites, track the sum of the bandwidth those n sites are imposing in total on any external site. Initial ideas on this topic appear in a HotNets 2004 paper; your challenge would be to move substantially beyond these ideas, perhaps using distributed sketching ideas implemented in P2.
  • P2P firewall anomaly detection. Assume a collection of end-hosts want to "band together" to look for anomalous network behaviors. To this end, they use a P2P query engine to collaboratively share and query the contents of their firewall logs, in the hopes of allowing end-users to address high-level questions like "has something changed?" or "is it just me or is everybody experiencing something weird?" Define specific collaborative queries the end-hosts can run to identify anomalous patterns on the network, and investigate how to efficiently implement them in P2.
  • Distributed End-Host Clustering. In the spirit of the previous project, design a distributed clustering algorithm to automatically group end-hosts in a P2P by various features (traffic patterns, software versions, firewall traces, etc.) Be able to continuously track the clusters over time, to enable end-hosts to determine when they drift from their usual cluster, or when their entire cluster experiences changes.

Virtual Machines

  • LOX: a library O/S for Xen. Xen is a GPL-licenced Hypervisor for ia32-architecture machines. This project investigates one of the implications of assuming that hypervisor functionality is part of a computing platform. Not only is writing an operating system for a hypervisor much simpler that writing one for "real" hardware (devices are simple and standardised, for instance), but it becomes possible to use a highly optimised and simplified per-application operating system, much like the notion of an Exokernel "library OS" or a Nemesis domain.

    This project will explore the tradeoffs involved in the design of a per-application operating system for VMM environments. Issues to investigate include: what are the performance benefits (if any) to be gained for different classes of application? What design of library OS is appropriate for (say) a database system? Or a web server? Can such an operating system be built in a modular, customizable manner?
  • DOX: a device O/S for Xen. A somewhat different direction to LOX (see project proposal above), DOX also explores what follows from assuming virtualization technology is present on a computing platform. The Xen hypervisor implements device drivers using existing operating systems: an OS in one virtual machine (Linux, BSD, Windows) is granted access to the physical hardware and runs the standard device drivers, and then exports a "virtual device", usually with some standard format (like a block-oriented virtual disk) to other VMs.

    There's no reason why different device drivers shouldn't execute in different virtual machines, under different operating systems. More long-term, though, there's no reason why the operating system for a device driver needs to be a so-called general-purpose system like Linux or Windows. This project will looks at questions like: What is the appropriate operating system to run inside a Xen domain and provide high-performance, high robustness virtualization of a complex I/O device (such as a RAID or SATA controller)? How can such an OS be customized to expose the distinctive/unique functionality of such devices without sacrificing reusability?

Sensor Networks

  • Epoch scheduling services. Various data collection tasks in sensornets work on a fixed schedule of "epochs": time is divided into epochs, and the sensors must collaborate within each epoch to achieve some collaborative task. Typically they are expected to sleep in power-save mode for most of the epoch, and wake up on a schedule to communicate. TinyDB is an example of such a design. There are a variety of challenges in designing a robust epoch scheduling service. How do you allocate wakeup and communication timeslots to the nodes, taking into account the vagaries of time synchronization, unpredictable task lengths (e.g. sending variable-sized data), and a scalable, possibly dynamic population of nodes?
  • Sketch-based approximate aggregates. Evaluate the practical use of approximation techniques like distributed sketches in a real sensornet query implementation. Consider the routing opportunities of duplicate-insensitive sketches as well (e.g. Tributaries and Deltas.)
  • Source-routed tours in sensornets. The BBQ system proposed using source-routed "tours" of network nodes for data collection. Recently, various protocols were designed to make such tours more robust to failure (see Joe for details). The practicality of these protocols remains very much in question. This project would evaluate the existing protocol ideas and hopefully improve upon them.
  • Mixing push and pull in probabilistic querying. BBQ proposed a "pull-oriented" paradigm for probabilistically querying sensors. A CS262 project last year proposed a "push-based" paradigm called Ken, which was recently accepted for publication. These two approaches are different; it is unclear how to integrate them intelligently, and what third approaches might be sensible.

Security and Privacy in Distributed Query Processing

  • Proof Sketches. We have developed a new technique based on distributed sketches to prove that the result to a distributed aggregate query (e.g. a vote, an average computation, etc.) is within epsilon of the correct result, despite tampering by adversarial aggregators. However, the idea has limitations with respect to "suppression attacks" in which data (individual values, or sub-aggregates) are simply not forwarded along. Other work on duplicate-insensitive aggregation (e.g. Tributaries and Deltas) has focused on tolerating loss in distributed aggregation, but has not focused on coordinated suppression attacks. Clearly, redundancy for duplicate-insensitive messages can mitigate such attacks; but how do we construct a suitably redundant aggregation topology (a DAG? a family of trees?) to provide strong probabilistic guarantees? And can we maintain such a topology in the face of network churn?
  • Privacy and Verifiability in Distributed Querying. Privacy-preserving multi-party querying has been a hot topic in recent years (see Rakesh Agrawal's various papers for overviews -- this is a good starting point). This work has typically not considered wide-area environments with multi-hop collaborative execution models, in which not only is the privacy at issue, but also the veracity of the answer. The rather open-ended idea here is to revisit one of the key themes from this line of work in a distributed context, and consider the new issues that arise in verifying the correctness of the query answers while preserving privacy.


  • Disordered Disk I/O. The use of asynchronous disk I/O API calls to improve performance of concurrent applications over Unix is well-known - it's almost always a good idea to let the application get on with something else useful while it's waiting for the disk to get back. Less well investigated are the delays (in particular, latency penalties) resulting from more subtle ordering constraints on disk I/O imposed by imperative programming and the I/O interface itself. For example, a simple for-loop to sum the records in a file can be terribly inefficient in disk seeks. In theory, it doesn't matter in which order the disk blocks making up the file are read from the disk, so it should be possible to move the disk arm a minimum number of tracks to get all the blocks. The problem here is that the application cannot express this opportunity for reordering and parallelism to the operating system.

    Taken to a limit, this project will investigate alternative O/S APIs, file systems, and device drivers which allow such unordered I/O to be efficiently specified by (new) applications, using a combination of techniques which might include continuation support, map/reduce-like constructs, and new file abstractions which leave record ordering unbound. Unlike databases, which tend to focus on throughput optimization, the emphasis here is reducing latency. There's plenty of scope for both a simulation-based study or (better) an implementation using a modified OS like BSD or Linux over Xen.